Sir Bernabé Huamanculí


Welcome to my personal page. I am an economist specialized in applied econometrics and research. Currently, I work as an assistant professor of Mathematical Economics, Market Research, Economics, and Microeconomics at the National University of San Cristóbal de Huamanga - UNSCH. My experience includes providing consultancy in scientific research and processing different databases. Additionally, I have skills in handling programs such as STATA, R, Python, and Matlab, which I use to conduct detailed and accurate analysis.

In my role as a professor, I focus on conveying my knowledge in a clear and concise manner, always seeking to foster interest and active participation from my students. Likewise, I strive to stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in the field of economics, in order to provide quality and relevant education for today’s world.

As a researcher, I have participated in various projects addressing topics of great importance for economic and social development. My focus is on the practical application of economic theory to generate concrete solutions to the challenges facing our society. In addition to my academic work, I also offer consultancy services in Research and data analysis for companies and institutions requiring a rigorous and professional approach to decision-making.

Through this page, I hope to share my passion for economics and research, as well as establish connections with colleagues, students, and professionals interested in these fields. I am open to collaborations and opportunities that can enrich my work and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of economics.

Thank you for your interest in learning more about my work, and I am available for any inquiries or collaborations you may wish to pursue. Thank you for visiting my page!

CV here

selected publications

  1. cl_rcm
    Efecto de aplicación de la estrategia ágil & scrum para el aprendizaje basado en competencias en la educación universitaria
    Tony Hinojosa, Bernabé Huamanculí, and Thalia Altamirano
    Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, Dec 2022